10 more wild (Unsettling and sometimes revolting) Wikipedia pages
1.BUBBLY CREEKHere's what you get when you cross a meat pie with a diet Coke. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bubbly_Creek2. CADAVER SYNODThe penalty for this one is death, presumably? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadaver_Synod 3. HOW SWEET IT ISThis recipe goes something like this: take 50 kilos of honey and an old man. Combine thoroughly and leave to set for one hundred years. Cut into slices and share. You can safely assume these treats have a soft-centre. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mellified_Man4. MISSED THE BOATWaking up to find your boat missing - it's not just for drunken sailors anymore: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philadelphia_experiment5. THE DROPPED BOMBAnd it's not just ships the US government can't keep account of. If you ever find a 3,400 kilo hydrogen bomb on TradeMe, call Uncle Sam and tell him to call off the search: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tybee_Bomb 6. AN AUDIENCE WITH THE QUEENNo appointment necessary, apparently: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Fagan_incident7. SWEET DEATHThis is how Charlie and the Chocolate Factory should have ended: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_molasses_disaster8. KILLDOZERThe irony is that, after this, city officials would have needed quite a bit of concrete, actually: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_Heemeyer9. MKULTRAThe hippies weren't the only ones acting strange in the sixties. Who would have thought that America's biggest threat would be 'The Man' himself? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA10. PUT YOUR HEAD ON MY SHOULDERNot just the realm of science fiction, you may be pleased to know that head transplants are actually a reality and have been for some time. If you're still pleased to know that after reading this horrifying entry, perhaps you are the one that needs to see a head doctor: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head_transplan