2012 NetGuide Web Awards open for sponsors
NetGuide and ESET are pleased to announce the People's Choice NetGuide Web Awards for 2012 are on the way!
Last year's awards were a huge success, with over 1.48 million impressions and 271,000 votes cast - that's a huge percentage of the NZ population.
The NetGuide Web Awards have now been running for 14 years and are easily the most successful and highest reach technology awards in New Zealand.
Last year saw growth in some exciting new categories, and this year we expect more of the same!
While most of the initial categories have already been snapped up by keen sponsors, we do have a couple of premium sponsorship categories still available including:
Best Employment Site
Best News Site
Best ISP
Best Mobile Network
Best Shopping Site
Best Trading Site
Best Social Networking Site
It is first come, first serve on categories for sponsorship, so to discuss the benefits of sponsoring a category in the NetGuide Web Awards contact us.