270 R&D Student Grant places now open
Innovative businesses are invited to apply for funding to hire students for internships and work experience as part of Callaghan Innovation’s R&D Student Grants scheme.
R&D Student Grants, administered by Callaghan Innovation, are available to R&D active companies in New Zealand to employ up to 70 Masters and PhD graduates and 200 undergraduate, honours, and postgraduate diploma or certificate students with science, technology, engineering, design, or business qualifications.
“R&D Student Grants are an important and popular part of the Government’s support for New Zealand’s innovation system," says Steven Joyce, Science and Innovation Minister.
"This recently extended programme will this year give 270 of New Zealand’s future innovators a head start in their careers and a bridge to high-tech employment.
“These grants allow talented students in areas like engineering and ICT to develop their technical skills by working in a commercial R&D environment.
"This programme is of great benefit to both industry and fresh talent - helping students find suitable employment after their studies and helping to speed up business’s R&D work.”
Following feedback from both businesses and students, a number of changes have been made to this year’s R&D Student Grants round.
These include an emphasis on providing students with increased professional development opportunities. More student qualifications are now eligible, providing businesses with a greater range of students to choose from. Grant names have been altered to reflect these changes.
They are now:
- R&D Experience:
Previously known as Undergraduate internships, these provide companies with funding of $16 per hour for 400 hours of work during the summer student break or on completion of a student’s qualification.
The range of eligible qualifications has expanded from undergraduate degrees to include honours and conjoint undergraduate degrees as well as postgraduate diplomas and certificates.
- R&D Career:
Previously known as Postgraduate internships, these grants are intended as an entry into permanent employment for Masters or PhD graduates. Based on an annual salary of $60,000, they provide companies with 50 per cent of annual salary costs up to $30,000 (plus GST) to cover the salary of the postgraduate for the first six months.
In previous years, companies were able to apply for just one R&D Career student, however this year they may qualify for more depending on their R&D spend and number of R&D staff.
More information on the eligibility criteria for students and businesses, timelines and how to apply can be found at: www.callaghaninnovation.govt.nz/what-we-do/funding-and-grants/rd-student-grants