Android Market launches on the web
Google has finally launched a web version of its Android Market allowing users to browse and download apps from their desktops.
Up until today the only way to download apps was to use the Android Market app that ships on all Android devices.
“Starting today, we have extended Android Market client from mobile devices to every desktop,” reads a post on the Android Developer Blog.
User can now use the web store to find and share apps as well as being able to download them over-the-air.
“Android Market on the Web dramatically expands the discoverability of applications through a rich browsing experience, suggestion-guided searching, deep linking, social sharing, and other merchandising features,” the post continued.
The initial version is currently only available in English but other languages will be made available in the coming weeks.
Google is also advising developers that they should visit the site and review how their apps are presented.
Hit the link to see how the Android Market looks.