App gives Kiwi families direct access to politicians
Family First NZ has launched a phone app known as 'Have Your Say' to enable families to speak up about family issues in New Zealand.
Family First says the app will help families be online political activists for family issues in NZ.
With the app, users can communicate with Members of Parliament by email from their smartphone.
Users can email their local MP, all MP's, or a select group of MPs - for instance all of those from a particular party.
If users are unsure who their local MP is, they can enter their street address to find out.
Families who don't have access to a smartphone can access the app via the Have Your Say website.
Bob McCoskrie, Family First NZ national director, says, "It's vital that our elected representatives hear the voice of families on issues that are important to them. This resource has just made the task that much easier.
"The site has been updated since the 2014 Election, and will continue to be updated as politicians come and go.
"Families often feel that politicians aren't listening to their concerns. This app will empower families to speak up," he says.
The app is currently available in the App Store and on the website.