Apple CEO joins Twitter #followsAppStore
Tue, 24th Sep 2013
FYI, this story is more than a year old
Tim Cook has finally joined Twitter, instantly following all Apple related accounts in the process.
The Cupertino CEO has already attracted over 200,000 followers, despite joining the site only four days ago.
Unsurprisingly following iTunes, the App Store, iBooks and any Apple product, Cook also follows Nike, of which he is a board member.
As the latest iPhones continue to sell-out across the world, Cook's first tweet amassed 65,000 followers alone:
Visited Retail Stores in Palo Alto today. Seeing so many happy customers reminds us of why we do what we do.Cook, famed for his privacy, now joins Apple's senior vice president of Internet Software and Services Eddy Cue and senior vice president of worldwide marketing Phil Schiller on the website.— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) September 20, 2013