Ballmer slams Apple and Android
Steve Ballmer has slammed both the Apple and Android ecosystems, after insisting Windows Phone 8 has found a niche place in the smartphone market.
Speaking to LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, the Microsoft CEO called Android 'wild' while questioning iOS affordability, branding overall prices 'high'.
Ballmer also claimed Microsoft's new release would fit perfectly in the marketplace but would not command the entire industry.
"The question is how do you get the quality with maybe not the premium price of the phone, with maybe not quite as controlled an ecosystem," he said.
“Apple’s system looks highly controlled and quite high prices.
"And how do you allow for the lower price points, more affordability, diversity that comes with Android.
“The ecosystem of Android is a little wild.
"And I think you can say that's kind of the best of both worlds and that's available to us."
The news comes a week after Windows and Windows Live president Steven Sinofsky left the company, with Julie Larson-Green promoted to lead all Windows software and hardware engineering.
In a leadership shake-up at the software giant, Tami Reller retained her roles as chief financial officer and chief marketing officer, assuming responsibility for the business of Windows.
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