Bethesda confirms Skyrim PS3 lag fix
Those who have been slaying dragons on the Playstation 3 will soon be having a much smoother time of things, according to the latest Twitter updates from Skyrim developer Bethesda.
The PS3 version of the game has had players hurling their controllers against the wall in fury as serious lag issues related to the size of the saved-game file made completing the game difficult.
Bethesda have confirmed on their Twitter feed that the new 1.4 patch, which will be released before the end of the month, will directly address and repair the lag issues.
When specifically asked about the problem, a post by the Bethesda Blog confirmed that ‘we’re addressing that in the 1.4 update planned for this month’.
Not that the glitches seem to have bothered fans or critics – the game has scooped countless perfect scores from reviewers, despite its obvious issues.
Other noticeable glitches include dragons flying backwards, characters randomly flying into the air for no apparent reason, and key characters spontaneously dying.
So for those of you on the verge of hanging up your sword and shield, this latest patch might just be the light at the end of the tunnel.