Cant hug every cat
Even as an animal lover, I think this girl takes things a step too far... fortunately, she’s a comedian and it’s all just an act. But for a while, people everywhere believed this crazy cat girl was for real!A few months ago, Cara Hartmann created an eHarmony video bio and posted it to YouTube. eHarmony is a popular online dating site where users can post video biographies, profiles, photos and so on to find their perfect match. Hartmann posed as Debbie, a girl who really, REALLY loves cats. The video is both hilarious and disturbing (especially if you believed it was real!) and "Debbie” became the latest overnight YouTube sensation. As of right now, the video has received 12,410,862 hits (probably much more by the time you read this) and a number of parody videos have surfaced, including a "songified” version by the same people who brought us our beloved Antoine Dodson "bed intruder” song – the Gregory Brothers.The Gregory Brothers have shot themselves and many unknowing YouTubers to fame by taking random YouTube clips and turning them into hilarious and insanely catchy songs. Made up of brothers Evan, Michael and Andrew and Evan’s wife Sarah, the Gregory Brothers were said to have "invented a completely new art form that is perfectly suited to our meme-crazed times, and — most difficult to replicate — is incredibly well made. Their skills are obvious and their ears perceptive, as evidenced by the way in which they mimic pop music tropes to perfection” by Wired.com and called "unlikely salvagers of our modern digital wasteland” by The Village Voice. They got their start with a series of YouTube videos called "Auto-Tune the News” and have now taken the internet by storm; even creating an app you can download to "songify” your life.You can view the original video featuring Debbie the cat lover here: tinyurl.com/6ldggzf and the songified version here: tinyurl.com/3uf629g and check out the Gregory Brothers website at: www.thegregorybrothers.com