Clothing swap
SizeXchange.com is a website dedicated to people (whether it be families with growing children or dieters looking to lose a substantial amount of weight) who want to save money on clothes that they know will only fit them for a short period of time.Think about it – if you have young children who are constantly out-growing their clothes, or if you are on a successful weight loss path, you will be throwing away a significant amount of money buying a new wardrobe every year or even every few months. SizeXchange "provides those who are transitioning through sizes with stylish, affordable clothing at all stages of their transition through points-based and cash auctions.” It also serves as a place where those on a diet can connect with others in the same boat and offers everything from expert advice, competitions, blogs and useful weight loss and lifestyle resources. I guess that means no more excuses not to hit the gym!sizeXchange.com