Education costs pile up, Cyclone to the rescue
Cyclone and Debitsuccess have teamed up to provide parents and caregivers with an education expense solution designed to help save money.
The solution will provide tailored school payment plans to enable parents and caregivers to spread payments for costs across any day and frequency.
Leigh Gibbard, Cyclone school sales manager, says with low cost and no finance company involvement, the option is appealing for many schools and allows them to recoup parent payments with minimal school administration.
"Providing flexible payment options for many education expenses helps families stay on top of these costs, allowing them to choose a manageable payment plan that suits their individual financial situation.
"This is a new, effective and increasingly popular path for many schools," Gibbard says.
Jesse Harris, Debitsuccess national sales manager, says, "There is significant financial pressure in education and, with Cyclone, we are pleased to be able to provide schools with a service that they can offer parents/caregivers, enabling schools to focus on what they do best – provide education.
"This option is able to cover various costs including donations, uniforms, sports and music fees, school trips and camps, Chromebooks, iPads, Notebooks and other digital devices that the school provides.
With an integrated credit control offering, Debitsuccess is the only full-service payment processor in New Zealand.
Harris says the payment solutions provider is committed to data security.
"The security of personal information is upmost in many people's minds, particularly given today's increasingly online nature.
"Being assured that there is excellent data security encourages schools to offer recurring payment options, and our billing platform enables people to allocate their own payment schedule to suit their needs," Harris says.