Education minister takes online teaching tools on tour
The expo will be the first of its kind to tour regionally, showcasing the latest tools and resources directly to Communities of Learning - Kāhui Ako around the country.
Education Minister Hekia Parata says the touring expo is a response to feedback from the Auckland exhibition earlier this year.
Parata says bringing these tools on tour is a way to ensure the Ministry reaches out to support teachers and young people.
"The tools and resources on display are available to teachers and principals in Communities to support every single child and young person from 0-18 years of age to progress and achieve along their education pathway.
Some of the key tools to make the trip are:
- Learning Progression Frameworks and Progress and Consistency Tool (PaCT) - An online tool that helps teachers track the significant steps students are making in their learning progress in reading, writing and mathematics. This is an app available from both Google Play and App Store.
- The Local Curriculum Design Smart Tool - This online tool will help Kāhui Ako to collaborate and build shared a curriculum. The tool acts as a kind of social network and sharing platform, allowing communities to build relationships and learning content together.
- Te Rāngai Kāhui Ako ā-Iwi - A tool to encourage engagement in community development and create sustainable Māori medium education.
- Te Waharoa Ararau - This is an online system that enables kura in Kāhui Ako to collect and report student achievement data. This means teachers and kura can build a picture of how progression is going in te reo matatini (literacy) and pāngarau (numeracy).
Parata says the way the education system is changing is to ensure children are at the heart of it.
"There are a lot of changes taking place in education, all designed to create a system focused on the children in it, on their progress and achievement. From the Funding Review to the Education Act Update and the creation of Communities of Learning we're working to create a dynamic education system fit for the 21st century.
The stops on the tour will be localised and fit the region says Parata.
"Each forum will have a regional flavour but the theme will continue to be personalised pathways for kids through quality teaching in Communities of Learning - Kāhui Ako".
The expos hope to allow educators to collate and understand all of the changes happening in the sector. Parata says they're a way to build a support network for both students and teachers.
"The regional expos are about bringing all these changes together to inspire and challenge our education leaders; to demonstrate the many tools and resources we're putting in place to support them to build a better future for all young New Zealanders."