Enabling e-Learning serves up new free digital resource
A new online resource from Enabling e-Learning, the Ministry of Education's online ICT resource hub has just gone live. Aiming to be a place for all educators to be able to seek advice around tech, it is completely free.
Te Ara Whītiki or Connected Learning Advisory (CLA) launches with the goal of supporting schools, kura and communities of learning to plan, manage and use digital technologies.
Combining a support hotline, and pages of resources into a one-stop-shop for increasing your school's digital offering, CLA could be a chance to equip yourselves for term two.
Coming under the umbrella of Te Kete Ipurangi, the online knowledge basket, the resource is available in both English and Te Reo.
CLA hopes to put educators in touch with the right advisor to answer any questions they have about bringing technology into learning environments.
With advisors covering topics such as developing e-learning plans, adopting cloud services, procuring ICT equipment and digital citizenship, the resource is reaching out to administration and leadership as well as teachers.
CLA promotes a regional approach, putting those seeking advice in touch with someone who knows their area.
Boasting a robust library of resources for educators looking to implement tech change in their institutions, the site hosts webinars, checklists and guides to lead you through the maze of tech options available.
News of the new resources came with the announcement of several e-Learning events and webinars coming up over the next months:
- VLN and Enabling e-Learning groups scavenger hunt 17 May, 3:45-4:45pm
- Robotics, coding and 3D printers, 25 May, 3:45-4:45 pm
- Simple coding in Scratch 21 June, 3:45-4:45pm