Game review: Snow Bros. Wonderland (Nintendo Switch)
I was a bit too young to play the original Snow Bros. video game that came out in the arcades way back in 1990, although I am old enough to play its overdue sequel called Snow Bros. Wonderland. Instead of being a normal 2D game, this sequel is now in full 3D!
The premise of the original game was simple because: you played a pair of snowmen named Nick and Tom. Their unique superpower is that they can trap enemies with snowballs and then knock bad guys away when they're frozen. Not to mention, in the original game, players had to face off against a lot of evil bosses, too!
Snow Bros. Wonderland takes place many years later, and you play the sons of Nick and Tom, named Nick Jr. and Tom Jr. The sequel has a similar story because demons have invaded the land and the two snowmen heroes have to fight them off.
Much like the original game, the sons will also have to beat many bosses in their journey to save the world. One of the more unique aspects of Snow Bros. Wonderland is that you can play this game cooperatively with up to four players playing at the same time. If you feel like you are struggling to play the game on a higher difficulty, you can call in a friend to help you even the odds.
Fans of the original game will also be somewhat amazed by the sequel's presentation. The new game has beautiful-looking 2D cartoon-style cutscenes with full voice acting. I admired the voice cast because many of the voice actors were British rather than American for a change.
Another thing that original fans will have to get used to is the sequel's new isometric-style 3D presentation. While the gameplay presentation has changed, you don't have to worry about the gameplay too much because you are still armed with tonnes and tonnes of snowballs! As I described before, the best thing about Snow Bros. Wonderland is its unique gameplay style involving snowballs.
Like the original game, you don't normally hit enemies with your fists because you have to throw snowballs at bad guys first. When you throw enough snowballs at an enemy, they will turn into an even bigger snowball that you can punch, and it will roll around hitting anything else in its way. I remember creating one snowball that was able to get a 10-hit combo because it rolled all over a tonne of enemies around the entire stage.
As you progress further into the game, more moves become available to both Nick and Tom Jr. One cool new move is the ability to carry big snowballs and throw them at enemies that might be standing on a higher platform. You can also use this ability to press buttons that solve some platform puzzles too.
Even further into the game, the main characters get an even cooler new ability where they can do some type of jumping spinning kick. Not only does this attack stun enemies, but they also turn on switches that can move platforms around the level too.
Speaking of the levels, most of them are linear in design, but you have to continue until the end once you unlock portals that take you to a different location. Some portals are locked, and you will need a key to open them. Normally defeating a certain number of enemies allows you to earn a key to get to the next portal.
To end a level, you may need to get one or more golden keys to finish. There are about six normal levels in each world and a seventh level that ends in an epic boss battle. Each world has its own different biome, and the levels aren't all the same, so the gameplay doesn't get too repetitive or boring for most players.
Even though I enjoyed a lot of what this game has to offer, there are a few flaws that prevent it from being as good as Astrobot. For one thing, Snow Bros. Wonderland's graphics look very outdated even on the Nintendo Switch. The graphics lack the bright colour palette that Nintendo-developed games like Mario have.
Another thing I did not like about the game is some of the frustrating jumping puzzles. Due to the game's fixed camera viewpoint, you cannot alter the screen, so jumping can be a little difficult and awkward at times. I remember falling over a lot when I had to navigate through a level that had lots of moving platforms all the time!
Aside from the flaws I already mentioned, Snow Bros. Wonderland is a pleasant surprise because it features innovative gameplay and enjoyable co-op action. It may not look pretty, but the gameplay is fun enough to overlook the game's outdated graphics.
Verdict: 8.0/10