Game review: Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition
Available on PS3 (tested), Xbox360, PC.
StreetFighter IV was released back in 2009 to rave reviews. A lot of people lauded the incredible visuals and the way the gameplay was just as fun as Street Fighter was back in the early '90s. To capitalize on this recent surge of Street Fighter's popularity, Capcom released Super Street Fighter IV last year. This was no ordinary update as the game included an additional 10 fighters, a few new stages and additional ultra moves. Now in 2011, another game is released in the form of Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition.
Unlike with Super Street Fighter IV, the ArcadeEdition of the game can be downloaded as DLC for $30 if you already own Super Street Fighter IV. The Arcade Edition adds four new characters to the mix. This makes the roster count to an impressive 39 fighters. The new fighters in question include the fast and nimble Yun and Yang from Street Fighter III, an Evil Ryu and a cool-looking purple demon named Oni.
Other changes that have been made in this game are that all the characters are now more balanced. If you feel that Ken has an unfair advantage over most of the other characters in the game, Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition is here to rectify your problems. Every one of the 39 characters should now have a fair chance of winning a match.
Online has also been updated with an improved Replay Channel. The Replay Channel includes an Elite Channel where you can view the game's most hardcore players fight in an epic one-on-one duel. It's a great tool for beginners to view as they can see how the masters play the game. You can even opt to subscribe to certain players so you can be updated on their latest replays. It's a helpful feature for any aspiring player who wants to become a professional gamer.
If you already own Super Street Fighter IV, then paying the extra $30 for this extensive DLC add-on is worth it only if you feel you need the extra characters and game balancing. If you already have Street Fighter IV and never played Super Street Fighter IV, then Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition is the ultimate version of the game to get.
This is because each character has an additional ultra move that they can select as opposed to the one that was featured in Street Fighter IV. Not only that, but you also receive 14 new characters that you can master. If you have already finished Street Fighter IV, then you will be playing an all-new game as each character has all-new intros and endings.
The game also brings back the bonus stages from Street Fighter II. If you always wanted to totally dismantle someone's car or obliterate a bunch of barrels, now you can. The best fighter to use on these stages is Blanka because his electric shock attack can destroy just about any inanimate object. As aforementioned, most of these features were already seen in Super Street Fighter IV, but for those of you who only have StreetFighter IV, these extras are fun enough for you to buy this game all over again.
One of the downsides to the game is that there's still no gallery to view artwork and cutscenes again like in Street Fighter IV. If you want to view a specific character's ending again, you will have to play through the Arcade mode again (or view them on YouTube). StreetFighter IV also featured various artworks from Capcom's own design team that you could view. Sadly, none of these extras can be seen in Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition.
Graphically, the game is virtually identical to the 2009 original. Although the visuals are still impressive, they don't quite match the quality from the likes of Mortal Kombat and Marvel vs.Capcom 3. It seems as if Capcom is happy with the visuals as the company will be using the exact game engine for next year's release of Street Fighter x Tekken. Still, it would have been nice if at least one new stage was included – after playing StreetFighter IV I'm getting bored of playing in the same old stages again and again.
Despite some flaws, if you're looking for one of the best fighting games out this generation, then Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition is the definitive version of StreetFighter IV to purchase. It adds more characters and the game is a lot less frustrating to play as all the characters are now nicely balanced. If you're a fighting game fan who has never played StreetFighter IV, then I suggest you get this game now.
Graphics: 8.5
Sound: 8.0
Gameplay: 9.5
Lasting Appeal: 9.0
Overall: 9.0