Google merges apps and media in Google Play
Google has re-launched its Android market as a hub where users don't just access apps but books, movies and music as well, calling the result Google Play.
In a post on the Google blog, director of digital content Jamie Rosenberg describes Google Play as 'a digital entertainment destination where you can find, enjoy and share your favourite music, movies, books and apps on the web and on your Android phone or tablet'.
"Google Play is entirely cloud-based," Rosenberg says, "so all your music, movies, books and apps are stored online, always available to you, and you never have to worry about losing them or moving them again.
Unfortunately, only users in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia and Japan will get to experience Google Play as anything other than a rebranded Android market, as the movie, music and book sections of the site haven't been enabled for any other countries.
However, Rosenberg says the long-term goal is to roll out as many types of content to as many people as possible around the world.
If you're still curious you can check out what's new in Google Play.