Google reveals top Kiwi searches
Following last week’s story on how much Australians love searching for celebrities, Google has responded with its most searched-for terms by New Zealanders during 2010. It must be nearly time for a new year?
The Christchurch earthquake and Pike River mining disaster beat out most other searches in the current affairs category, followed by searches that included ‘Chile’, ‘Commonwealth Games’, ‘Oil Spill’ and ‘Hobbit’.
New Zealanders like a bit of controversy in 2010 with searches for Allan Hubbard, Director of South Canterbury Finance, former Labour MP Chris Carter and Paul Henry, who recently resigned as the host of TV ONE Breakfast.
“Henry made the most impact, appearing in multiple lists including the fastest rising news category, as well as appearing in the top ten fastest rising New Zealanders list,” said Google.
Here’s what Google caught New Zealanders searching for throughout the year:
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Fastest rising web searchesGrabOneChatrouletteChristchurch earthquakeJustin BieberGeonetFIFAFacebook loginYouTube musicLotto resultsAvatar
Fastest rising news searchesChile earthquake (vs. ‘iPad’ - global)Christchurch earthquakeHaitiIpadLara binglePike riverChilePaul HenryWeather forecastAll whites
Fastest rising New Zealanders 2010Allan HubbardChris CarterLucas WardOlivia RutherfordSheila DikshitWinston ReidPaul HenryAlison MauKirk PenneyRichie McCaw