Govt offers $1m to engage young Kiwis in digital tech
The Government has has announced the nine successful applicants to a $1 million contestable fund for projects that will engage students in digital technologies.
"We're funding providers who have innovative and smart projects that will capture teachers' and students' imagination and help them get skilled in using and developing digital technologies," Education Minister Hekia Parata says.
The projects are part of a broader package of support for schools when the digital technologies curriculum content starts to be rolled out in 2018.
"It was excellent to see such a high demand for the fund, with 74 proposals from education and digital technologies providers from around the country," Parata says.
"Among the successful proposals are Communities of Learning-based local projects, a project that will grow digital fluency in kura Maori, and a project that will support students to solve problems by generating digital technology solutions," she explains.
The nine providers receiving funding are:
- The Ministry of Inspiration
- King's High School in Dunedin
- The Technology Hub Ltd
- Core Education Ltd Tech Futures
- Core Education Ltd - He Hui Matihiko a-Takiwa
- University of Canterbury
- Online Education Limited, working with Code Avengers
- Ruapehu College
- Pam Ferguson Charitable Trust, working with OMG Tech
"These projects will support the work our Government is doing to prepare young Kiwis to successfully meet the demands of the 21st century," Parata adds.