Grants assist e-learning for Maori students
Grants to help advance Maori education and e-learning have been awarded to five schools from across New Zealand by Core Education.
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Whānau Tahi received a grant to assist with costs to attend and present at the Australian Association for the Teaching of English conference, Brave World: English and Literacy Teaching in the 21st Century in Queensland; Gisborne Boys High was awarded a grant to support the Tū Tane programme through e-learning for Year 10 students; and Lytton High School received funding for equipment, licensing and a web domain to support the development of an Apps club for Māori students. Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Tuia Te Matangi andTuahiwiSchool both received grants to send two teachers to U Learn 2013.
The purpose of the Māori education grants are to enhance Māori distinctiveness, illuminate creative potential, and support successful educational pathways.
“We are delighted to offer these particular grants, we believe that by enhancing Māori distinctiveness we enhance our whole community” says CORE Education CEO Ali Hughes.
Applicants that were successful this year offered programmes where the obvious benefits for students in the classroom were highlighted as a result of participation.
Deanne Thomas, Kaihautū Māori for Core Education says its contribution is but a small part of a wider programme of innovation in the kura/schools. “E-learning and continual development in te reo Māori are high priorities for the successful applicants.”