Green Party calls out prime minister on Pacific Island spying
The Green Party says John Key needs to 'come clean with New Zealanders' and explain how it is lawful for the Government Communications Security Bureau to spy, without a warrant, on New Zealand citizens who are part of the governments of the Cook Islands and Niue.
The Greens says documentation revealed Sunday by the Sunday Star Times show that the GCSB's targeting rules include New Zealand citizens are part of the governments of the Cook Islands and Niue.
"The documents show the GCSB knew spying on New Zealanders from the Cook Island and Niue was illegal, but they decided to ignore this anyway," says Green Party co-leader Dr Russel Norman.
He asks, "What was the justification for spying on people when the GCSB knew it was illegal?
"Is John Key saying that New Zealanders in the Cook Islands and Niue are second class citizens who do not deserve the protection of our spy laws?
"The facts show that there has been mass illegal spying on New Zealanders in the Pacific and John Key needs to explain why it was done," Norman states.
"This spying agenda accelerated under his leadership, and he needs to tell the public if New Zealand, why he allowed something so blatantly illegal to occur.
"It is not good enough to refuse to engage with the issue as John Key has been doing," he continues.
"Every other world leader has fronted and offered an explanation; John Key, on the other hand, thinks he is above explaining this mess to New Zealanders.
Norman says "The Green Party hopes the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security will be able to provide some answers to this debacle following our request to her to start an inquiry into the matter.