How to access Wikipedia during blackout - Updated
It’s just a few hours until Wikipedia goes dark in protest against the anti-piracy SOPA and PIPA bills, but regular users shouldn’t fret, as it should still be possible to access information from the site provided you know what you’re looking for.
According to a post on CNet, users will still be able to search for their desired topic in Google, then run their mouse over the Wikipedia result and click on ‘cached’ to access Google’s cached version of the page.
"The cached version will not be the most current, but it should make do in the absence of Wikipedia,” the report reads.
The 24-hour blackout begins at 6pm NZ time.
Google will also be protesting the bills, promising to 'highlight this issue' on its US homepage. The company hasn't offered more detail than that, saying only that its message won't replace the company logo.
Update: Wikipedia's blackout has just a few hours left to run, but in the meantime a Twitter feed has started up which offers alternative 'facts' to help internet users get by.
Under the hashtag #factswithoutwikipedia, Twitterers have provided such insights as "Rebecca Black, Jacob Black and Sirius Black are relatives," and "Marilyn Manson's first taste of showbusiness was playing Paul Pfeiffer in The Wonder Years."
Definitely worth checking out.