Introducing Battlefield 4 - player appreciation month...
To thank gamers for their dedication and support to BF4 - DICE and EA has announced that from 1 February 2014 they are hosting player appreciation month.
The month will be filled with fun community missions and daily giveaways that you get just for jumping into a match.
Let's look at some of the initiatives that will be launching during Player Appreciation Month.
A Battlepack a Day:
Every day that you log into the game in February, you’ll receive a Bronze or Silver Battlepack. For those of you who haven’t started opening your earned packs yet, these Battlepacks contain bonuses like XP Boosts and soldier camos.
Normally, it would take approximately 30 hours gameplay to earn that many packs. Every day that you log a multiplayer game during the month of February, you will receive a new Battlepack. During weekdays, these will be Bronze, and during Saturdays and Sundays we will give away Silver Battlepacks. Remember to activate your earned XP boosts in the in-game menu to accelerate your progress.
Shortcut Bundles
There will be two shortcut bundles for Battlefield 4 that will be available for download at no cost during the Player Appreciation Month. These voluntary shortcut bundles will unlock all grenades and handguns for Battlefield 4 (the base game) so you can make up for lost time. Or if you’re new to the game, they will help you catch up with players who have been on the Battlefield since launch.
For all of our Battlefield 4 Premium users, there will be two additional weapon shortcuts, unlocking DMR’s and shotguns. That way, if you like, you can quickly get your hands on a large portion of the weapons available in Battlefield 4.
Double XP Weekend
During the Player Appreciation Month, EA and DICE will be running a double XP weekend for all players. If you’re one of the many Battlefield 4 Premium members, you’ll also get an additional double XP weekend during the Player Appreciation Month as an added bonus.
Community Missions
You will be able to participate in global DICE Community Missions where you will work together to unlock Gold Battlepacks. During the first of these Community-wide challenges, you will have to grab a set number of dog tags during a specified time.
Are you looking forward to gamer appreciation month? Tell us your thoughts below