Introducing the hi-tech way to unhook a bra...
"Until now, the bra was a piece of clothing to remove, but now it is an instrument to test for true love."
So much so that Japanese lingerie manufacturer Ravijour has released a hi-tech bra, which only opens when a woman's heart is racing.
Comprising of a sensor which monitors a woman's heart rate and other vitals, the data is constantly transmitted via Bluetooth to a mobile phone, unhooking the bra if the woman's excitement levels increase - or finds "true love" as the advert puts it.
"True love", as the company call it, is measured when Adrenal Mellule secretes Catechlomine which increases the heart rate when a woman is excited, thus popping off the lingerie.
Labelled the "True Love Tester", the bra has been designed to help women find their soulmate, with the promotional video released below: