iOS review: Think
Think is a well-designed puzzle game aimed to get players to think visually in order to solve puzzles and progress through the game.
Rather than the typical 'four words one pic' or 'finish the phrase' puzzle games that are out there at the moment, Think presents you with fun visuals like sketches or pop culture images as well as some nifty artificial intelligence to guide you to the right answer. It gets you to take a look at a bunch of images and figure out what they represent.
There are over 360 puzzles spread over 30 chapters, so you’re in for a long haul of riddles and guesses. To complement the beautiful visuals, the game features music by award-winning composer Jim Guthrie.
This game is best played with friends or your family, as guessing the clues together is not only more fun, but makes it a hell of a lot easier too. Unfortunately, even though there are plenty of levels, the questions within the levels aren't separate, so you get a lot of repeats, which is frustrating.
I liked that it is different from other puzzle games that are out there at the moment. Those games are all the same - movie quiz, logo quiz, whatever. Think is different and that’s refreshing, and it’s getting played a lot more than other games on my phone right now.
Designed for both iPhone and iPad. Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimised for iPhone 5.