Is GTA 5 coming to PC?
It would seem with AMD concentrating on the PS4 and Xbox One launches that Nvidia may be feeling slightly left out, but the GPU giant doesn’t seem to be worried at all.
Nvidia believe that PC users will invest in new hardware in order to play COD; Ghosts, Assassin’s Creed IV and GTA5 – what?
Reports discovered by Crave Online (transcribed by Seeking Alpha) suggests that Senior IR director Chris Evenden did not even hesitate when announcing that GTA5 would be coming to PC gamers.
“The PC market is evolving," he said. "As entry laptops face pressure from tablets.
"Yet sales of specialty PC’s like gaming systems and work stations continue to grow….gamers are preparing their systems for a strong roster of games coming this fall, including blockbuster franchises, such as Call of Duty; Ghosts, Grand Theft Auto V and Assassin’s Creed IV.”
Nvidia also claims that PC games make more than both PlayStation and Xbox revenues combined:
“Open platform such as PC and Android are outgrowing the world gardens of the traditional console market.
"They benefit from more innovation. Nearly half of the developers surveyed at GDC recently who are working on PC games compared (to) only 11% on Next Gen consoles.
"PC game revenues are expected to reach around (US) $20 billion annually by 2015, whereas the total for both PlayStations will be less than $10 billion and Xbox is only around half of that.”
Crave offer the possibility that Evenden’s GTA5 announcement could refer to a port that doesn’t even exist, but the theory seems to match up with their discovery of a Rockstar job listing for PC ports.
With the huge development of GTA5 it makes sense to cash in on the large amount of PC gamers who would be prepared to buy the release.