Just say no
Think that Facebook addiction may be getting a little out of hand?
Here's the cure: KeepMeOut helps you cut down on unnecessary visits to your website of choice by warning you when you start to go into a blacklisted page.
To make it work, all you do is go to www.keepmeout.com and type into the dialogue box the name of the page you shouldn't be visiting. Below it, add the amount of time you think you should wait between visits. Click 'enter' and you're offered a link that you save as a bookmark (either by dragging the address into your browser's toolbar or by right-clicking it and selecting 'Bookmark').
From now on, you use that link when you want to visit your problem page.
If you visit the link more often than you've specified you should, you'll receive a warning from the KeepMeOut program, telling you that you've violated your new resolution.