Kiwi-made email app in the Bosch spotlight
Tech giant Bosch has showcased Kiwi-made app Speaking Email at this year's CES, held in Las Vegas last week.
The event showcases the latest in innovative devices, gadgets, software and services and draws vast crowds. Last year 175,000 people attended the show.
The app reads emails aloud, designed to enable users to safely check their emails while they are driving.
Bosch is incorporating Speaking Email into their mySPIN platform, which enables drivers to use authorised apps on their iPhone or Android smartphone via a touchscreen integrated into cars and motorbikes.
"We are very happy that Speaking Email joined the mySPIN eco-system and are convinced that their existing solution will add further value to our customer's offering to drivers," comments Kay Herget, global head of marketing at Bosch Softtec, Bosch's business unit who develops mySPIN.
Speaking Email was developed by small Auckland web development company, beweb, after director Mike Nelson got frustrated with the lack of such a product on the market.
Nelson says the partnership with Bosch is major coup for the app, which was launched last year.
"Bosch is way ahead in automotive technology - they have the only connected car system that allows apps to work seamlessly in the vehicle, so it is a perfect fit for us and very exciting they have chosen to partner with us," he says.
"Thousands of technophiles will be able to see the app in action in Las Vegas so we are stoked that our New Zealand-made app is making it on the global stage.
Nelson says Speaking Email differs from other alternatives in that it enables users to focus on important email content by avoiding reading out clutter - including signatures, disclaimers, reply chains and junk mail.
A premium version features the ability to archive, flag, trash or even reply on the move. Recently released features include voice selection and multilingual mode which detects emails written in other languages and reads them with native pronunciation.
Speaking Email can be downloaded free from the App Store or Google Play and works with all email platforms.