Latest Wikileak shows NZ education under threat, says NZEI
Several countries including New Zealand are pushing for private education corporation to be included in the Trade in Service Agreement, according the latest Wikileak on the TISA.
In a statement, NZEI Te Riu Roa is imploring the New Zealand Government to come clean about the details.
Paul Goulter, NZEI national secretary, says the leaked information shows that the deal would stop sovereign nations from enacting laws and regulations that would in any way hinder foreign corporations from setting up in any country, maximising their profits and dominating the local market.
"The Saudi sheep debacle is going to be nothing compared to the legal threats that private education mega-corporates like Pearson Group will use to hold our government hostage if they don't get their way in our public education system," claims Goulter.
"The advantage for New Zealand education companies trading overseas is going to be miniscule compared to the damage to our public education system and our right to make laws in that benefit New Zealanders," he says.
"We are asking this government to put the best interests of New Zealanders ahead of the needs of foreign corporations.
Goulter says, "Education needs to be off the negotiating table, along with other public services. Even better, we should walk away from the whole mess.
"As more details come to light, the Government line, 'We can't talk about secret negotiations, just trust us' is becoming increasingly hollow," he adds.