Microsoft announces strong lineup for Xbox Games with Gold April 2017
If you are a current Xbox Live Gold member, you can look forward to playing many good Xbox One and Xbox 360 games next month. Games with Gold April 2017 is looking pretty decent this month. If you own an Xbox One, you can download Ryse: Son of Rome on April 1st up until April 30th. The second game you can get is The Walking Dead: Season 2 available on April 16th until May 15th. For Xbox 360 owners, the first Darksiders is downloadable on April 1st until April 15th. After that, the game changes to Assassin's Creed Revelations which is out on April 16th to April 30th. Remember, both Xbox 360 video games are compatible on the Xbox One thanks to backwards compatibility. Speaking of backwards compatibility, both the first Darksiders and Assassin's Creed Revelations are compatible on Xbox One from today. Darksiders II has also been added to backwards compatibility too, although it's not free next month like the other games.