N4L: 300 more schools connected by 2015...
Network for Learning (N4L) is on track to have 1000 schools connected to its Managed Network by the end of 2014.
700 schools and more than 225, 000 students are now connected to the Network that is working almost 5 months ahead of schedule.
N4L is hoping to add another 300 schools to the Managed Network this year.
“We are tracking ahead of schedule and this means thousands more students and teachers will be able to connect to the Managed Network this year, allowing schools to fast-track their plans to use more digital devices and online learning programmes with their students,” John Hanna, N4L CEO, says.
“While we are proud of our achievement to date, it’s the teachers who are the real champions here. They want the best for their students and their support and enthusiasm have been instrumental in driving the use of the Managed Network for student learning.”
The steady pace of the rollout can be attributed to the demand that schools have for a service that meets their needs, he adds.
The 700 schools that are connected far so comprise a mix of urban and rural schools nationwide. N4L works with all schools and local IT support companies to provide a smooth transition to the Managed Network. Schools also have access to on-site support during the transition, and a customer services team if the need arises.
Heretaunga College, with a roll of 748 students, has been using the Managed Network since December 2013.
“We were very impressed with the level of communication and support provided by N4L throughout the transition,” Bruce Hart, principal, says.
“We were also very happy with the difference the Managed Network has made to our school. We’ve been able to make significant progress using software and devices that support our learning plans.”
The 37 students at Franz Josef School now have better connections to events and those outside the small rural community.
"It is so incredible to have an internet connection that works when we want and need to use it,” Janet Ristow, principal, says.
“We’ve been streaming some of the highlights of the Commonwealth Games, which would have been impossible with our previous internet connection. We are also now sharing more with our friends in other schools because we can collaborate online so much easier.”