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New Zealand tops OECD countries in education investment

Thu, 26th Nov 2015
FYI, this story is more than a year old

A new report highlights New Zealand's ongoing commitment to education and significant investment into tertiary education.

According to the new OECD report titled Education At a Glance 2015, New Zealand invests a larger portion of its public spending in education than the vast majority of other OECD countries.

In fact, New Zealand ranks in the top two OECD countries for expenditure on both school and tertiary education as a percentage of total public expenditure.

"The results demonstrate New Zealand's commitment to equipping our students with the skills they need for the 21st century," says Steven Joyce, Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment Minister.

"The survey shows 30% of adult New Zealanders (those aged 25 to 64) have a degree compared with the OECD average of 28% and that tertiary qualification rates for women in New Zealand are among the highest in the countries studied.

"New Zealand also has high levels of people studying for vocational qualifications," Joyce says.

The annual survey also reveals that the number of 15-19 year olds staying in secondary school has increased noticeably in recent years and that the number of 15-19 year olds not in education, employment or training has declined over the same period.

New Zealand has just posted its lowest-ever level of 15-19 year olds not in education, employment or training, according to Hekia Parata Education Minister.

"These gains show our efforts to deliver a quality education to all New Zealanders are bearing fruit," says Parata.

"I want to thank all our teachers, schools and tertiary institutions for the difference they are making to the future of our young people," she says.

The report also notes that New Zealand is in the top third of OECD countries for early childhood education participation, funding and teacher-child ratios.

In addition, New Zealand is one of only nine OECD countries where salaries for experienced tertiary-educated teachers compare favourably with salaries for people with equivalent qualifications in other occupations.

The report shows that teacher salaries have risen faster in New Zealand than the OECD average since 2005.

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