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News: Adobe Creative Cloud, the iOS-ification of OS X, Final Cut Pro X accolades, and more!

Wed, 8th Feb 2012
FYI, this story is more than a year old

Adobe has unveiled their creative cloud solution that allows users to subscribe to a complete version of Creative Suite 6 without paying the full retail price. Adobe Creative Cloud will be released alongside CS6 in the next few months, and also includes a few cloud-based features such as storage and a few other niceties. At $600 per year (US $49.95 per month) it's not exactly a bad proposition, especially when you consider the fact CS6 would normally be over a few thousand dollars. MacStories says the iOS-ification of Mac OS X is happening whether we like it or not, but wasn't that already obvious when Steve Jobs himself said that they were bringing those features back to the Mac? MacStories argues a slightly different position, saying that we're also seeing a slight UI change, in addition to the already-known feature parity.

Say what you will about Final Cut Pro, but there's no denying it has taken its fair share of flack (due to whatever reason you choose). PCMag has now named Final Cut Pro X its "Editor's Choice" for high-end video editing, and they've got good reason to: FCP X is a great step forward in video editing, no matter what people say.

Take a look at this video and tell me that Steve Jobs wasn't the greatest thing to ever happen to Apple. You see Gil Amelio on stage, but then you see Steve and see how he really made the company it was today.

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