News: Apple's HDTV, the iAd revival, developer wishlists in 2012, and more!
Apple are definitely working on a HDTV solution if the rumour blogs are to be believed. 9 to 5 Mac is saying Sir Jonathan's workspace/studio is currently home to a 42-inch+ display that might eventuate as the HDTV we never knew we wanted, but they're also saying Apple might be having issues nailing down licensing deals for content, citing a CBS earnings call comment. Then again, we heard the same about iTunes Match and look how that panned out! An Adobe exec has been tapped by Apple in order to try and save the iAd platform. Former head of Adobe's Media Solutions division Todd Terasi joins Apple in order to have another try at breaking into the lucrative advertising market — even after his predecessors failed to do so.
Ars Technica spoke with some Mac and iOS developers recently, who spilled the beans on what they would like from Apple in 2012 with regards to developer interests. Simple requests like better communication channels made the list, as did things like better cross-app communication.
A tip from The Next Web says you can tell if someone has (or at least attempted to) accessed your computer, thanks to OS X which logs every power event that occurs.