News: Apple's mobile processor shipments, Photoshop CS6 public beta, add to iTunes, and more!
When you see articles saying how it's possible Apple may ship more mobile processors than chip giant Intel by the end of the year, it's time to realise how big this whole iOS business actually is. Apple shipped 176 million in iPhone and iPad devices, compared to Intel, who shipped 181 million mobile processors in things like laptops and the like — I'll give you a moment to think about those kinds of numbers for a second. Continuing the trend they started with Lightroom 4 earlier this year, Adobe has made available a public beta of Photoshop CS6. The latest version of Photoshop ditches 32-bit mode and only works on 64-bit Macs, and there's a heap of nice little improvements all over the place. The full release of Photoshop CS6 is slated to happen sometime later this year — presumably alongside the full Creative Suite — and pricing has not yet been announced.
Hot little tip from OS X Daily, who say there's a little known folder buried within your iTunes folder structure that will automatically import any file placed into it into iTunes. It's a massively useful tip, and something I had no idea about.
At HP's annual shareholders meeting, CEO Meg Whitman asked why the company wasn't more like Apple, and what followed was reportedly a discussion about Apple, innovation, and success in the market.