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News: Cook on iCloud, lesser-known facts from Apple's earnings call, Inside Apple, and more!

Thu, 26th Jan 2012
FYI, this story is more than a year old

The transcript of Tim Cook on the Apple earnings call has a small section dedicated to iCloud, but his remarks on iCloud are as important as the rest. With 85 million iCloud subscribers, Gruber says it's extremely likely iCloud will be a big part of what Apple are aiming to do in the next ten years, and would be surprised to see any Apple product released from here on in without some kind of iCloud integration. Chris Rawson from TUAW discusses a few of the lesser-known, but still important points from Apple's earnings call. Sometimes it's all too easy to focus on the big numbers and compare them to Apple's competitors, but when people want more Apple gear and they already have iOS devices, where do they look? Towards the Mac, of course. 

Adam Lashinky's much-publicised book Inside Apple is now available on the iBookstore, except apparently if you're a resident of New Zealand (apparently you guys don't even have a paid iBookstore to call your own). What's up with that, Apple? Australia has had paid iBooks for quite a while now, so what's the holdup on the other side of the pond? Anyway, you can probably buy the book from Amazon or similar.

Simplify is a new mini player for the Mac that allows you to control iTunes, Rdio (which is available in New Zealand), Spotify (which isn't), has customisable keyboard shortcuts, presents a nice album art picture, and is available on the Mac App Store.
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