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News: employee discounts, MyBook Thunderbolt Duo, Cobook, and more!

Sun, 29th Jan 2012
FYI, this story is more than a year old

Last week Tim Cook held a meeting at Town Hall where he unveiled to Apple employees a new employee discount. The new employee discount sees Apple employees receiving a $500 discount on new Mac hardware, as well as $250 off the price of iPad. What's interesting is that 9 to 5 Mac report that the discount is on top of an already-existing 25% discount on hardware, but given the generous discount some Mac models are excluded: most notably the Mac Mini. Just like CES before it, Macworld|iWorld has unveiled a few new products that may be of interest to Mac users. Particularly interesting is the unveiling of the Western Digital MyBook Thunderbolt Duo, an external Thunderbolt device that allows units to be daisy-chained in order to make one logical unit. What's more, the drives within the unit are user serviceable, meaning that you'll be able to upgrade or replace the drives yourself without voiding your warranty.

Fantastical has been widely acclaimed for adding natural language support to iCal, and now Cobook is doing a similar thing with Address Book. It's not available yet, but it was shown off at Macworld just the other day.

A new Mac SuperBundle has been launched, and it contains 10 bestselling Mac Apps for just $49. Parallels make the bundle worth it just by itself, but there are other Mac apps that make it worth it.

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