News: Flashback trojan explained, The Witcher for Mac, Bartending, and more!
Macworld has a great article that contains all the info you need to know about Flashback, the Mac trojan that has been getting some press lately. According to reports, Flashback has infected over half a million Macs in the wild, or around one percent — and there's a lot of noise being made about it on news websites because it's actually a pretty big deal. Rich Mogull explains. The Witcher has been released on the Mac via the digital distribution service Steam, bringing yet another great RPG to the Mac. Note that this is the original Witcher title, originally released for the PC in 2008, not the sequel that was released just last year. The good news is that if you already own this on the PC, then you already own The Witcher on the Mac, thanks to SteamPlay.
Bartending: Memoirs of an Apple Genius is a new book by Stephen Hackett of 512pixels. In the book, Hackett writes about various stories he experienced while he was an Apple Genius, working at the Genius Bar — it's a good book, filled with anecdotes about what working at an Apple store is really like.
Apple Gazette has a compilation of photos from inside Apple HQ. There's pictures of reception, the rec rooms, the Apple Company Store, and my personal favourite, the picture of Apple executives in one of the meeting rooms.