News: Gatekeeper in-depth, gangs targeting Apple stores, Apple seeds OS X 10.7.4, and more!
The 1Password team has published a very nice overview of Gatekeeper, the new software included in Mountain Lion that will protect users from installing and using software from a variety of sources. At the simplest level, Gatekeeper divides software into three distinct categories: software that comes from the Mac App Store, software that comes from verified developers, and software that comes from anywhere else. The 1Password post on the topic goes into quite a bit more depth and is quite technical, but is an excellent read nonetheless. The NZ Herald has a story on armed gang members targeting Apple stock in electronics stores in Auckland. The gang members have reportedly tied up and used tasers on employees at electronics stores with Apple goods, and Apple stockist Ubertec has been targeted twice by burglars this year. Police are examining CCTV footage of the most recent robberies in order to identify the suspects.
Apple has seeded a new beta of OS X 10.7.4 to developers, and the latest release comes just days after the previous one. Build 11E52 comes with no known issues, and suggests that a new update is due to the public soon.
When it comes to Mac gaming, who is ignoring what, exactly? The iOS platform might be getting the most coverage on the web when it comes to games, but it's no secret that gaming on the Mac is making big strides, too.