News: gigabit Wi-Fi, iCloud bookmark bugs, Apple's product packaging, and more!
Apple are expected to adopt the gigabit Wi-Fi standard much earlier than the spec will be fully ratified by the IEEE, similar to how they supported the draft versions of 802.11n before that was fully ratified. Their support for the new 802.11ac standard will most likely be due to chip-maker Broadcom, who already support the new standard in a few variations of their chips — chips that are used in most Apple products for Wi-Fi. ICloud bookmark syncing doesn't seem to have worked out so well for many users, with many users complaining of duplicated — sometimes hundreds, even thousands of times — bookmarks. Nothing that users do seems to alleviate the issue, either: turning off iCloud sync, removing the bookmarks, then turning iCloud bookmark sync back on again just re-downloads all the thousands of bookmarks.
It should come as no surprise that Apple has a designer whose job it is to design the best possible implementation of the pull-tab you see on many Apple products, the pull tab that separates the clear protective plastic from the actual packaging of the device itself. Some call it an unboxing room, but I just call it par for the course at Apple.