News: iBooks Author hands-on, made in China, xScope 3, and more!
IBooks Author is a fantastic new piece of software from Apple that allows users to create interactive textbooks with ease, but its launch has been marred by licensing and format issues, report Ars Technica. More specifically, the EULA of iBooks Author seems to imply that people cannot sell their iBooks Author-produced work outside of the iBookstore — just like apps on iOS, produced using Xcode. The New York Times has an intriguing article on why Apple products are made in China — it's the kind of article that could have been written about any company, but has a particular relevance to Apple as it was President Obama that asked the question of what it would take for iPhones to be made in America. With the release of the Apple supplier responsibility report providing a nice context, the Times' report on this issue is extremely interesting.
XScope 3 is a new Mac app that was released not too long ago. It's primarily a design app, aimed at those that do any kind of precise design work with iOS or Mac apps — and it has a few cool features, such as the ability to mirror a Mac app on your iOS device.