News: iBooks Author, Mac malware statistics, LaCie d2 USB 3 review, and more!
Apple announced and released a few tools this morning as part of their education event that took place in New York, and one of them was the Mac portion of the iPad education revolution. IBooks Author allows users to create, edit, and publish their own multi-touch books for the iPad using web standards such as HTML5, JavaScript, and webGL, and the final products that can be produced are simply stunning. Security analysts F-Secure has released statistics to do with malware on the Mac platform. F-Secure says the Mac faced 58 malware threats during the latter half of last year, and of those, roughly half were trojans, with between 10 and 12 occurrences of malware every month.
Macworld review the LaCie d2 USB 3, which comes with much more than just a USB 3 connection, also including FireWire 800 and eSATA. What's interesting is that Apple seem to prefer Thunderbolt over USB 3, but Thunderbolt isn't a feature on this particular drive. What gives, LaCIe?
Another day, another release of OS X 10.7.3 seeded to developers. Build 11D46 was made available for download two days ago, coming a little under a week under the release of 11D42. This will most likely be the last release before a public release.