News: Kaspersky's Mac security analysis, pending iCloud upgrade, return of the Nvidia GPU, and more!
Security firm Kaspersky has performed, and is continuing to perform, an independent analysis of Mac security. Original versions of the article that appeared on websites stated that Kaspersky were acting in collaboration with Apple after the Flashback malware saga, but Ars Technica contacted Kaspersky who said that no such collaboration had taken place and that their own security analysis was purely their own doing. Fact of the matter is, Kaspersky are concerned about security on OS X — but that's a given, seeing as they're in the security business. The Wall Street Journal has it on good authority that Apple are preparing to release an iCloud upgrade that will supposedly add photo-sharing features to the website. Apple are removing MobileMe Galleries at the end of June this year, and so a photo-sharing feature built-into iCloud would be a very welcome move.
New MacBook Pros are rumoured to launch at this year's WWDC conference, and there's good reason to suspect Apple will be returning to NVIDIA graphics chips in the newly redesigned MacBook Pro, after using AMD chipsets for the last two revisions. Apple has used graphics chips from both manufacturers in the past, even when NVIDIA's chips have been quite defective.
Apple has released an update to Leopard which includes a tool to remove Flashback malware. Later versions of OS X have already been updated with the right tools to remove Flashback, so it's good to see Apple doing the right thing and patching older versions of the OS.