News: MobileMe shuts down, Chrome crashing MacBook Air, the original OS X tablet, and more!
Now that June 30 has come and gone, MobileMe is no longer. Indeed, a message posted to says exactly that. However, for a limited time it seems Apple are still offering users the chance to move their account to iCloud, download photos from their MobileMe Gallery, and download their files from their iDisk. Users who aren't currently running iOS 5 or OS X Lion are still able to find a lost device from the now-defunct homepage, but that's pretty much it.
If your new MacBook Air is suddenly crashing, then Google Chrome might be the likely culprit. Google has confirmed the issue, saying the kernel panics users with the new MacBook Air were seeing were the result of some kind of conflict between Chrome and the new Intel HD 4000 graphics chip found on this year's MacBook Air. Google has since disabled some of Chrome's GPU acceleration via autoupdate, and they're actively working on a fix.
Modbook, Inc is a company which is bringing back the Modbook, the Mac-tablet conversion you might have heard about a few years ago. Previously, a company named Axiotron were behind the Modbook, but now that Modbook is, they've got a whole new market. Perhaps, including those users who want a professional-level tablet that isn't the iPad, says the company's founder in an interview with Ars Technica.
Also from Ars Technica is a look at the new Thunderbolt-equipped Drobos, the Drobo Mini and Drobo 5D. The Drobo 5D will launch in July for US $799, and the Drobo Mini in August for US $599.