News: Mountain Lion automatic downloads, the state of IPv6 in OS X, and more!
A new feature has been revealed in the latest Mountain Lion developer release, and it's automatic downloads. Automatic downloads on the Mac mean that when you buy an app from the Mac App Store on one Mac, you'll get a notification saying you can then have the app automatically downloaded to any other Mac that's signed into the same Mac App Store account. Note that the feature doesn't appear to work just yet — but clearly automatic downloads are something Apple is definitely planning to bring to Mountain Lion. Ars Technica has a fantastic article on the state of iPv6 in Apple world, covering every aspect of the latest networking protocol. You'll be pleased to know that IPv6 has, in one form or another, been included as a part of OS X dating back to 10.2, but Apple have made various tweaks to the underlying implementation over the years. The article goes into much more detail, but suffice to say, proper IPv6 support in their operating systems is definitely one of their highest priorities.
Apple has revealed they will be powering their data centers with 100% renewable energy, provided by two solar panel installations and one bio-gas-powered installation, giving an total output of 124 million kWh.
For a short period, there was a time when Apple notebooks shipped with what we would now see as an upside-down Apple logo. The Next Web has the full story behind why the Apple logo was upside down.