News: Nvidia GPU production issues, Aperture and Firefox updates, MacUpdate bundle, and more!
According to MacRumors, issues with Nvidia GPU production are forcing Apple to strongly consider the onboard integrated graphics for future Mac laptops. Nvidia's GPU production issues mean that Apple might even be forced to go entirely with the integrated graphics option currently found in all Macs, and that combined with the improved performance on Sandy Bridge Intel CPUs might mean a discrete GPU isn't necessary for all but the most stressing of tasks. Aperture has been updated to version 3.2.3, and aside from the usual performance and stability fixes it also brings the ability to delete individual photos from Photo Stream, a feature much wanted by people that use the feature on their Macs and iOS devices. Firefox was also updated, and seeing as they're now following a more aggressive release schedule we're now up to version 11, which adds a style editor and 3D DOM viewer.
A new MacUpdate bundle sees US $378 worth of apps yours for just US $49.99. There are those that say this is the best bundle ever offered, with apps like VMWare Fusion 4 and DriveGenius 3 on special, plus a whole lot of lesser-known apps besides.
Former SVP of Apple Retail, Ron Johnson, is now more than happy to talk about his experiences running one of the most profitable retail operations in the world. Of course, he doesn't work for Apple any longer, but it's about what he still has to share.