News: Universal Audio Apollo, 349 million microphones, OS X and data on separate drives, and more!
As we start to see Thunderbolt devices trickle into the market, we start to see impressive Thunderbolt devices enter the market. The Apollo is one such peripheral from Universal Audio that is a high-resolution audio interface that's rack mountable and features classic analog sound. It's an incredibly impressive piece of hardware for audio professionals, that is best suited for studio-quality recordings. 349 million is a pretty big number, especially when you consider it's the number of microphones that Apple used for iOS devices in 2011. According to iHS research, MEMS microphones likes the ones used in the iPhone 4, iPad 2, as well as the headphones with microphone are becoming increasingly popular — and with Apple, 349 million microphones means it's the world's number one buyer of microphones.
Some iMac models can come with a solid state drive that's separate to the main spinning hard drive, so what do you do if you want to keep your OS and data separate from each other? Macworld has the answer, and it involves moving your home folder to another volume, but thankfully there's a nice place in OS X that makes it all very easy.