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News: white MacBook discontinued, porting OS X to ARM, every Apple design ever, and more!

Sun, 12th Feb 2012
FYI, this story is more than a year old

Apple has now completely discontinued the white MacBook, after ceasing sales of the white MacBook to consumer customers back in July last year. Now, not even educational customers can purchase the white MacBook — but educational institutions can now purchase 13" MacBook Airs in bulk if required. The new educational-exclusive MacBook Air has the same specs as the base model 11-inch machine, and is available in bulk for US $999 each. The Verge has an interesting story on a story going around that details a secret project to port portions of underlying OS X underpinnings to the ARM architecture. The only problem with the story is that it's not secret, and the project already exists. The project was used to port across Darwin code to ARM chips, such as the ones used in Apple's Time Capsule and Airport Extreme products.

Rob Beschizza has put together a video showcasing every Apple design in 30 seconds, and then gone and followed it up with every NeXT design ever in 30 seconds. It's great to see how Apple product design has evolved over time.

Speaking of Apple designs, there's a profile of the Apple's first Jonny Ives, Jerry Manock. Manock was the man who designed the Apple II, one of the first personal computers to be successfully marketed and sold to consumers.

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