No Microsoft tablet until 2012
According to Business Week's sources that are said to be familiar with the matter, Microsoft will turn up late to the battle of the tablets.
Microsoft won’t release a rival to Apple and Google tablet operating systems until the 2012 back-to- school season, says Business Week.
The report says that testing of a new version of Windows will begin at the end of this year with partners and customers.
Last year Chief Executive Steve Ballmer said Microsoft was "hardcore" about Windows 7 tablets.
"This year one of the most important things that we will do in the smart device category is really push forward with Windows 7-based slates and Windows 7 phones," Ballmer said.
Gartner analyst Michael Gartenberg said, "If 2011 is the year of the tablet wars, Microsoft will be awfully late suiting up for that battle. It’s not a good position to be in.”
Should Microsoft not make it to the tablet party until 2010, it will likely face an uphill battle against iPad 3 or even 4 and whatever Google rustles up in the meantime.