Over 10,500 homes in Hamilton & Tauranga ready to connect to Fibre
Ultrafast Fibre Ltd have announced that over 10,500 residential and business properties are now able to receive ultrafast broadband services off its local fibre network.
CEO Maxine Elliott said "Last week we reached a significant milestone in our construction programme: residential customers in both Hamilton and Tauranga are now able to connect to our network and receive ultrafast broadband.
“Several thousand businesses in both cities have been able to connect to our network since April. Adding residential customers to the list of premises that can connect brings the total number of eligible properties to over 10,500.”
5,312 residential properties and 2,009 business properties in Hamilton can now connect to the Ultrafast Fibre network. While 2,361 residential properties and 1,002 business properties in Tauranga can connect.
Construction of the Ultrafast Fibre network began in both cities during July 2011 and will be completed in both centres by December 2016. As the network progressively passes new premises, those homes and businesses will be able to connect.
This week, Ultrafast Fibre launched a new tool on its website –ultrafastfibre.co.nz/coverage - that allows visitors to type in their home or business address to find out when ultrafast broadband will be available at their premise.
Elliot also said "If your property is eligible to connect to our network, all you need to do is phone your preferred broadband provider and they can get you up and going. A list of providers operating in each city is provided on our website."
To read more about Ultrafast Fibre and the benefits it provides, check out the NetGuide UFB Special Issue in partnership with Orcon, which is being mailed out to users across New Zealand as Ultrafast Fibre reaches the premises.