PC petition for GTV V hits 100,000 signatures
PC gamers desperate for fair treatment have answered the call to sign an online petition – in droves.
A petition to bring the highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto V to the PC now has more than 100,000 signatures.
Originally, 100,000 signatures was the goal, but the petition has now been updated and is aiming for 150,000. It’s a lot of dedication just to reach Rockstar and make sure they don’t exclude PC gamers, but that’s what is kind of cool about it.
It’ll be even cooler if it actually works. Lately, fan feedback has resulted in some fairly cool changes from developers who are actually listening.
Fans angry at the Mass Effect 3 ending received extra DLC to mitigate their complaints.
But if Rockstar doesn’t know they already have a massive fan-base on all platforms I’d be extremely surprised.
Publisher Take-Two revealed last week that since the inception of the series more than 125 million games in the GTA franchise have been shipped to suppliers.
Take-Two chief executive Strauss Zelnick told GameSpot that the company shipped more than 25 million copies of GTA IV alone.
Admittedly, shipped doesn’t mean sold – but it’s fairly likely the majority of those that did get shipped out are now in the hands of gamers. These numbers also make Grand Theft Auto one of the most popular franchises in gaming history.
Which is why it makes no sense that so far GTA V has only been announced for the PS3 and Xbox 360, and is expected for release next year.
So if you’re a PC gamer, hit up the petition here.